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State of Maine

Department of Health and Human Services


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Maine State Treasury PayMaine2 Payment portal instructions.

September 2022

The Maine State Treasury has upgraded their payment portal and it will soon look different to MBCC users.  The process will be the same up to the confirmation page, but after that page you will be brought to a different looking payment portal. 

Once you have clicked the “I authorize payment” box and hit the “Submit” button, you will be brought to a different page to enter your credit card or banking account numbers.  This page is shown below.

Example of payment page:


To proceed with a payment:

To proceed with a payment, fill page out as instructed.  When all the required fields have been entered the “Submit Payment” button at the bottom will turn from gray to blue- indicating you may now submit your payment.


Example of blue submit payment box:


Once you hit the “Submit Payment” button you will see this processing notification.

Example of processing transaction box:


If the payment was successful, you will be brought to the “Payment Receipt” page and a receipt will be sent via email from the Maine State Treasury, if you checked to box to have one emailed to you.  The email will look like this one below.  Please note that the Treasury will no longer be issuing separate Brank Transaction IDs and Treasury Transaction IDs, but will instead issue a randomly generated Tracking Number.

Example of email received from Treasury:


To cancel a payment:

To cancel a payment, simply hit the “Back to Order Section” link in the upper left-hand corner.  It will then go to a page letting you choose to continue with the checkout.  If you still wish to cancel hit the “Cancel Payment” link in the upper left-hand corner again and verify that you wish to cancel.  It will then bring you to a Payment Receipt page verifying that the order was canceled and not paid for.


MBCC PayMaine2 downloadable report.

The MBCC will have a new report for the updated PayMaine2 payment portal.  This report will look different and will be separate from the original payment report.  The original payment report will still have a tab to access all legacy data as the 2 different Treasury programs are not compatible.


Reports Page:

The report page will now have another report listed there.  For all payments made using the old system, you must run the report labeled “Payment Report”.  For any payments made using the new system, you must click on the “PayMaine2 Report” link.

Example of new reports page:


PayMaine2 Report page:

The new reports page will look and act very differently from the old PayMaine report.  The randomly generated Order ID will be on the far left with an arrow pointing to it.  If you click on the arrow it will open up details.

Example of new report:

This new report is searchable by date range, through the search box, or can be reordered by clicking on the name of the column, such as the order date to view dates oldest to newest, or by using the filter icon.  The filter icon belongs to the column header to the left of the filter icon.  For example- to look at all payments for a specific date, hover your mouse over the “Order Date” header and move the mouse to the right and click on the filter icon.  Once the filter opens you can search for the exact date you’re looking for.

When you click on the arrow on the far left, it will open the payment details for that particular payment.  In the example below the arrow for a shopping cart payment for 7 applicants is shown.

Example of arrow for a shopping cart payment in the new report page:


Example of view when arrow is opened for a shopping cart payment in the new report page:


PayMaine2 Exported Report:

If you choose to export a copy of your payment report to Excel, it will show on one line all the data you would see when you click on an arrow on the PayMaine2 Report page.  For a shopping cart payment, you will see the randomly generated Order ID repeat for each application paid for in the shopping cart payment.  The example below of the downloaded Excel report shows on lines 2 and 3 single payments and lines 4-8 are part of a shopping cart payment.


Example of downloaded Excel report showing 2 single payments and a shopping cart payment (shows 5 of 25 payments):


Please remember, that this new report page will only show payments made though the Treasury’s new system.  Your Reports page will still have the link to the original payment system to view a report on any payments made on the old system.


As always, should you have any questions, need and clarification or if you could use any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to MBCC staff.








Great news! Our system has just received an upgrade. There are two additions which will have a positive impact on the providers. The first addition is we now have a field for phone extensions for Facility Users and Facility Administrators of our system.

The second addition is we can now enter a mailing address separate from the physical address of your facility. This will be beneficial if new information must be mailed to the correct address.


You can enter phone extensions for the Facility Administrators and Facility Users of our system. When you do this, you make it easier for us to contact you should we have questions or concerns regarding an applicant going forward. I’ve included below the step-by-step process for you to follow to enter the extensions:

1. Log into the system.

2.Once logged in, on the sub-menu screen on the left, select Manage Users:

3. In the Search box of the Manage Users window, enter the users First Name OR Last Name OR User ID; click Search:

4. Once you click Search, that user will be populated in the window; click the Edit button:

5. This will take you into the Users information. Once there, enter the phone extension in the field provided, then click Submit (you may have to click in the white space beside the Submit button to make it available):

If you would rather, we can enter the phone extensions for you – just email us the phone number, extension number and the person and facility it is for.

Employers and providers can now run a Payment Report whenever it is wanted or needed. After you log in, just look at the sub-menus on the left side of your screen. You will see Reports. Click on that; one of the report options will be Payment Report:

You select the time-line you want for the report, and you can download the results to an Excel file so you can manipulate the data however you need to.


This report will only have access to the facilities that you are attached to.  For example, if you work for a company with 30 facilities and you are only attached to 10 of them, you will not see data from the other 20.

Hopefully you find these enhancements beneficial.


Mission Statement 

The mission of the Maine Background Check Center is to support quality, effective and safe health care and social services for vulnerable Maine citizens.  By developing and operating an all-inclusive, secure online background check system that encourages employer compliance, the MBCC will protect the health and safety of Maine’s vulnerable populations.


The Maine Background Check Center has been placed in the Division of Licensing and Certification within the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.